Sunday, January 29, 2012

Make a new trail

It's easier to stay out than get out.--Mark Twain

Behavior change is often a difficult thing. We have been following the same path for so long that we wear deep ruts in the paths of our lives. The deeper the ruts become, the harder it is to steer out of them. Our natural tendency is to stay in the rut. It takes a forceful and deliberate decision to steer out of them. But we are not in the clear. The ruts are still there and it is so easy to fall back into them.  It takes daily, intentional choices to stay on the new path.

In my own life, I have seen several areas where the ruts have been worn deep. Pornography was a very deep, dark rut for a long time. I found it nearly impossible to overcome the temptation to look at porn. Looking at porn became my normal.  Through prayer, being accountable to good friends, and the grace of God, I am on a new path, though I admit I still feel the wheels wanting to fall back in from time to time.  Anger toward my kids is another area where there are deep tracks.  In the past couple of years, I have begun to find a new way, but my default setting has been anger.  I have learned that I respond much better when I slow down before I respond to my kids' misbehavior. I am following a different trail.  Finally, poor eating has been a well-worn trail.  Many times over the years, I have fallen back into those deep ruts. I am again on a different trail but it is new for me again.

Making a new way is often difficult. We may need to steer out again and again, but the more often we do so, the easier it becomes. 

The righteous falls seven times and rises again.-Proverbs 24:16

Make the better choice.

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